About Us

In Ellen Art School, we teach kids (between ages 5-18) chess and piano.

We also typically host chess tournaments open to all players.

Ellen Art School is a family company where we provide high quality after school lessons. Currently we offer chess and piano classes, both online and in person.

We also host in person chess tournaments. Click here to see our upcoming tournaments!

Here are some examples of the performance of our piano graduates


You can view our testimonials here

Meet Our Awesome Team!

Slava Mikhailuk

Piano & Chess Teacher

Slava is a FM (FIDE Master) rated 2420, and he has played chess professionally for over 35 years. He is a five time Washington state champion, and he played in the US Chess Championship in 2002. He won numerous tournaments. Over the last 20 years, he has been teaching chess. His students performed well in local, national, and international events. He gives group and private lessons and teaches in schools.

Slava also teaches piano, and he graduated from a piano school in Russia. He gives private piano lessons in his house as well as students houses. He is a member of the National Guild of Piano Teachers. Over 25 of his students received the high school diploma in music.

Elena Chepur

Piano Teacher

Elena is the founder of Ellen Art School. She has been playing every since she was a child, and she has been teaching piano for more than 25 years. She earned her masters degree in Russia. She is the National Guild of Piano Teachers chair person for Redmond, WA. Over 40 students have graduated and received the high school diploma in music. She gives lessons in our home studio. She organizes recitals twice a year, and annual auditions for our students.

Michael Shapiro

Chess Teacher

Michael is a chess player, rated almost 1700 USCF, and has been playing chess for over 10 years. He achieved great results including, beating GM Alexander Lenderman (rated about 2700, top 100 in the world) in a tournament (Seattle Seafare Open, 2021), finishing in second place in Washington Open (premier section) (2023), and finishing in first in Washington Class Championship (Class B, 2022). His students performed well in many local events. Michael is also an experienced certified USCF tournament director, and helps host our tournaments every month.

Michael hopes that one day he will become a Grand Master!